Sound Frequency Healing
Frequency is the ancient medicine of the future. As such, the energetic transmission of sound is the educated and conscious use of vibrational frequencies to heal. Sound can induce immediate relaxation, break up stagnant energy, balance the brain and bring harmony to incoherence in the body and energetic field. By tuning the instruments of our being, sound frequencies support healing on physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual levels.
This category includes sound baths, voice, music therapy, biofield tuning, and frequency technologies
Stephanie •
Rising Gaia
I offer profoundly restorative private one-on-one and group sonic healing sessions using gongs, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drums, chimes and other organic instruments which incite the energies of nature and stimulate those elements within us.
These multi-sensory sound baths are deep inner journeys designed to promote a prolonged state of relaxation that initiates healing and recalibrates the body, mind and spirit.
Full sessions are approximately 2 hours from door-to-door; shorter “tune-up” sessions also available.
I practice out of my own space in Nevada City
I travel to clients
Click here for Stephanie’s unique profile page with more about her practice.
Samuel • EmbodyHarmonics
I offer private Tibetan Bowl sound healing sessions and group sound baths.
Private Sessions:
In one-on-one sessions, you’ll lie back as bowls are placed around and on the body. The resonant sounds interact with the energy centers, revealing imbalances and encouraging the movement of stuck energy. This is ideal for those beginning their spiritual or meditation journey, as the bowls help entrain the brain into meditative states, offering an experience that can guide and deepen your practice.
Group Sound Baths:
Group sessions are immersive and incorporate additional instruments like drums and voice. These sound baths work with the collective energy of the group, activating and harmonizing the shared energy field before lulling participants into profound relaxation. These sound baths can also be combined with restorative yoga (ERYT-500). -
Healing Through Voice: Empowerment and Expression
I offer voice lessons that go beyond traditional singing instruction to help you reconnect with your voice as a tool for healing and empowerment. My approach integrates vocal training with an awareness of the throat chakra, supporting those who feel unheard, small, or blocked in their self-expression.
With years of professional training and experience, introspection and self-discovery, and ceremonial work with plant medicines, I provide a safe and supportive environment to explore your voice. Together, we’ll work to unlock its potential, develop technical skills, and build confidence that naturally flows into other areas of life. -
I practice out of my own space in Nevada City
I travel to clients
Rose • Ahava Healing Collective
I offer vibroacoustic sound healing as well as sound bath sessions to recalibrate your energy and bring you back into a balanced harmonious state.
I practice out of my own space in Nevada City
I travel to clients
Reya • The SongKeeper School
THE SONGKEEPER SCHOOL is a vocal mystery school that teaches how to harness the power of your voice and your character for healing & transformation. We go on a deep dive into sacred singing, earth honoring and ritual. We utilize the power of song to bring direction, medicine and meaning to our world, to help us feel happier and remember who we are.
Through prayers, offerings, sacred songs and esoteric wisdom, we build relationship with the elementals, angels, star family and ancient ones to assist us in the fullfillment of our personal mission. We open the communication with the wisdom from all time that lives in the energetic field of the planet and invite deep communion.
Increase vocal skill & confidence. Release stored trauma & blockages. Access your emotions. Learn how to set and hold sacred space. Learn songs for prayer, creation & alchemy. Knowledge of how to work with the elements, the Cosmos and Creator for health, greater meaning and increased prosperity. -
In this 90 minute session, you will learn how to use your voice as a tool for healing, and to use music to move stagnant energy & access emotions.
Voice Activation is the state of alignment with ourselves - encompassing our Body, Mind & Spirit. We work with the voice as a part of the whole; and in doing so, examine our chakra system, the elements, mysticism of sound & energy, our location on the planet, our position in our family system, and our axis point in the Cosmos.
I offer in person sessions
I offer remote sessions via zoom
Chelsea Caroline Music
Voice Analysis is based on the fact that everything is vibration. Everything about you is carried in the sound of your voice. It is your template of perfection that can become distorted over time, causing emotional and physical imbalances. Effective for all acute and chronic emotional, mental or physical issues and/or further fine tuning of your overall system and environment.
Session includes a Wellness Consultation with Voice Analysis (Voice Analysis Harmony Computer Software), discussion and emailed results with audio toning remedies. -
This Sound Balancing session works by using tuning forks to interface with the electromagnetic field (biofield, akashic field, etheric template, aura) of the body where all information for healing is stored. This modality is proven to be effective for long distance healing sessions.
This session includes a 15 min meditation to access awareness of your akashic field (etheric template, biofield, aura), 1 hour combing of the biofield with the gentle yet powerful properties of sound (tuning forks) to find areas of disharmony, smoothing these stuck or repetitive patterns stored in your atmosphere, into more coherent, stable vibrations, clearing them out through the main energetic vortex centers of the mind/body system. -
Your voice is an innate, physical vibration with the ability of being your own internal, somatic healing device. The power you hold in your own voice to release tension, regulate your nervous system and resonate health is immense.
In this 90 min session you will learn how to ground your breath, improve your tone, gain more confidence, release stuck emotions and express yourself more freely and authentically.
Learn about clearing and calming the body with the voice, sacred sounds, toning and mantra for stress and anxiety relief. Includes an outline and detailed exercises for home practice.
I offer remote sessions
Bill • Life Chiropractic
I use shockwave - acoustic waves - to heal chronic injuries and tissue changes ranging from arthritis to discs to tendinopathies, calcific tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, etc.
I practice out of my own space in Grass Valley
Bob • Integrative Manual Therapeutics
For orthopedic injuries and degenerative issues, Softwave Therapy brings extracorporeal shockwave therapy to a whole new level. By activating stem cell migration, stimulating angiogenesis (production of new blood vessels), and quickly reducing inflammation, Softwave Therapy dramatically reduces pain and can help avoid the need for many surgical interventions in just a few treatments. Examples include torn ACL, rotator cuff, hip conditions, etc... even "bone on bone" responds very well.
Applications beyond joint problems include: Plantar Fascitis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Ulcers, Burns, Scars, Wrinkles, Chronic sinus problems, non union fracture, soft tissue injuries, and much more. Highly recommended for many situations pre/post surgery for better outcomes.
I practice out of my own space in Nevada City & South Auburn
Teja Love Wellness
I offer sessions on the V.I.B.E.S bed providing a full-body immersion and experience into sound, vibration, and frequency.
I practice out of my own space in Nevada City