
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool that induces a deep meditative state that quiets the conscious mind to allow the unconscious awareness to focus deeply on the issue at hand. By accessing the wisdom of the subconscious mind, there is an ability to transform deep-seated thinking patterns, behaviors and emotions that are stored deep within and influence different areas of life.

Types of offerings within this category include hypnosis, past life regression and yoga nidra, which each have unique goals and outcomes.

Kenoma Hypnosis

  • Kenoma Hypnosis helps people seeking positive change with the power of Hypnosis, even when nothing else has worked!

    1) Certified Master Hypnotist
    2) Advanced Certification: 5-PATH Hypnosis Professional
    3) Certified 7th Path Self Hypnosis Instructor
    4) Member in good standing: National Guild of Hypnotists

    • I work out of my own space in Nevada City

    • I offer services remotely

Stephanie Rising Gaia

  • Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique that is practiced lying down and listening to instructions guiding us into deep letting go. We enter a deep relaxation, and direct the brain into a prolonged Alpha brainwave state of awareness, between waking and sleep consciousness. In this place, emotional, mental and physical healing is stimulated. We can also use Yoga Nidra to overcome unhealthy habits and retain memory of new information. This session can be customized to focus on any aspect of life you are looking to transmute or expand upon.

    This technique is passed down from Swami Satyananda lineage and is a modern approach to an ancient practice. Stephanie combines Yoga Nidra with sound vibration for an enhanced experience.

    This offering is available either live in-person or as a recording which you will receive an audio file for download.

    • I practice out of my own space in Nevada City

    • I travel to clients

    • I offer remote sessions